Today, Jones and I paid a visit to our next door neighbors, Troop 231 from Cary. One of their adults, Issac, is an entomologist at NC State. Issac has been collecting insects all week at Durant.

He is mounting them with the intention of donating his exhibit to the Ecology area at Camp Durant.

As he does each year at camp, Scoutmaster Chip earned his Mile Swim award. Chip completed the mile course Thursday afternoon doing the breaststroke. Way to go, Chip!
As most other troops do, at the Thursday evening roll call our Scouts performed a mini-skit involving cans of soda.

Right before the roll call dismissal, we got an added treat. Waterfront director, Jeff Pitts had his brass band play "Pomp and Circumstance" in honor of the boys completing their merit badge classes. (Friday morning merit badge make-up work can be done, and the rest of the day is filled with activities such as the belly flop contest and the tomahawk race.)

At Thursday dinner, two members of the staff joined our table. One of them was female. Needless to say, Chip and I had the opposite end of the table to ourselves!

Finally, there are webcams inside and outside the Grand Lodge dining hall. Below you can see me waving to you as I write this blog.
Check out the webcam at 6:15 pm tonight for the flag lowering, and at 6:30 for supper:
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